190+ photos from our CUDA Free Outdoor Battles at Santa Cruzan Edition

Just wanted to thank Linda Pedroso for all these wonderful photos and memories of the event.

Thank You Jersey City TV

CUDA thanks the team at Jersey City TV for capturing our students and our team in action, at the 2017 Summer Fun Program presented by the Jersey City Department of Recreation. This year, CUDA will be celebrating its 10-Year Anniversary. We take pride in the love that we put into all that we do and produce, no matter the obstacles or challenges we face. We are deeply grateful to all the parents, community leaders, and young people who keep reminding us why we do what we do. And, thank you to our team who not only supports our vision but are constantly ready and willing to roll up their sleeves to get things done, and done right. As our CUDA president, Kushan Patel always says, “Stay Up & Up!” 

CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015

CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015 (1) CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015 (2) CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015 (3) CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015 (4) CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015 (5) CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015 (6) CUDA Competition @ WAPA Fest 2015 (7)

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